I was busy looking for Covid-19

We have been watching this virus now for a few weeks about how fast it is moving and how it is affecting our lives. Providing us with outbreaks, sickness and death tolls and who is or should be quarantined.

The news or CDC says it is like the common cold or flu like symptoms, While we have never had a solution, vaccination or remedy for the common cold and some flu’s we are scared that this virus will hit our personal bubbles.

Everyone prepares by going into survival mode some into panic mode. This is largely due to the media and 24/7 coverage of this superbug, every day stories are being told of how many more have caught this covid-19 virus and the death toll keeps rising. We run to the stores in a panic and pillage what we think will keep us safe? What will keep us out of harm’s way?  This time around it is the paper products like toilet paper, paper towels and disinfected products even face masks. Shelves are emptied out of these products.

While most are not in danger of this virus those who need to be protected and several steps that we can take as responsible citizens are covering our cough, washing our hands (long enough) and staying home if we are sick. Although work at home folks have this one in the bag that does not mean we are out of the woods if we are living with family or friends who could potentially be prone to catching the cold or flu and having a week immune system we still need to be careful and mindful. Even here at work we are reminded every day to “To be safe and prepared, please follow these guidelines”

I am not trying to make lite of the situation or issues of covid-19 but I am not at that magic number yet of 60 years old to be worried if I am one of those elders that need to be careful, But my husband is and has had health issues so I worry about him and my oldest Daughter who is pregnant. We go around the family and take everyone’s temperature daily and if someone coughs, we take it again. Every morning I ask everyone that is around “how are you feeling” waiting for someone to come home who has been in contact and what will we need to do if it shows up at my home. While I was busy looking for the CV-19, I was bit by a different virus, me, I wasn’t paying attention to me except the pain I had been having for a couple of months.

I have activated shingles; I do not know how or how long they have been trying to come to the surface but they have shown up just the same. While I was looking out for the Covid-19 virus the Shingles just reached out of nowhere and bit me! I am not young anymore and this is a very painful virus. They are derived from the chickenpox and can lay dormant for years without showing any signs and then one day, hello there it is.

This virus is also very contagious but in a different way, unlike the cold or flu that can be spread by coughing or sneezing without covering up the Shingles is spread through touching. If the sores are leaky and get on clothing, towels and someone picks them up without knowing or thinking they can rub their face and poof if you have the virus in you it can spread easily and quickly. I have learned that it cannot be spread through the air which is good and I have been covered for weeks without knowing I should be so that is a bonus and it’s not something I would wish on anyone as this is the most painful and uncomfortable virus.

We as humans have so many illness that we worry about, they have been around for century’s and when a new one shows up we blow it up, I feel because of today’s environment of instant information from every device we own from our phones to our computers and TV’s.  Back when we didn’t have 24/7 coverage of an outbreak people really couldn’t panic until it hit their towns. I kind of miss those days where it was local news, I watched twice a day maybe…  Today because I am worried about the Covid-19 virus I watch to a point. Then take a break for a little while. Make sure you take a break from all the news when you start feeling overwhelmed.

I am fortunate enough to work from home for over a year. Were I have gone through the Flu, colds and coughs and now the shingles everything I have had appears to be very contagious until today I would have gone to work when I was sick. Business say stay home to stop the spread when you are sick but no one ever really listened to this advice. When you must make money, earn a paycheck and are not one of the fortunate ones who do not have to live paycheck to paycheck we go to work…just like the post office rain or shine in sickness or in health!

but I live with my family who all work and go to school/daycare outside of the house. Although most of them haven’t left the house at all for almost a full week now.  As far as Covid-19 virus goes, we have been vigilant about trying to keep ourselves healthy. Even while staying home. Staying home is the hard part. Everyone who has a job but has not been able to go is having a hard time and worried about how they are going to pay their bills in the upcoming months, We are no different. We all live together but it takes all of us to make the house run smooth and with so many of us out of work it is not easy. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about it…or is there?

because the older generation who don’t move as fast and can’t get there as quickly, they are not going to have the things they need to live, and they are the ones that are most at risk. What you can do to help or feel useful is to follow up. Make a phone call if they can video chat be social via the virtual options and tools we currently have and please be considerate.

This is a good time to have some fun, learn to play again with those in the house. Laugh, read a good book, Color a picture with crayons you have maybe not used since you were little and reconnect with each other. If you stop to think about it how much face to face time have you had lately with your loved ones and what keeps you from it?

14 thoughts on “I was busy looking for Covid-19”

  1. COVID-19 is making everyone crazy. It’s hard to feel safe going to work or sending my children to daycare. I think if everyone follows what the CDC is telling us to do we can prevent the spread a lot easier than of all these people just keep going out and partying or gathering in large groups. I would like my life to go back to normal as soon as possible. I don’t know about any of you but I am feeling useless not being able to go to work. And I just feel guilty because I can’t take my kids anywhere to do anything. Even though it’s a good time to do things with them it doesn’t make it any easier on them being stuck at home 24/7.

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